Posts Tagged ‘taghut’

Cry Of The Imprisoned

الحمد لله العلي المتعال ذي القدرة و الجلال و الصلاة و السلام علي النبي الضحوك القتال

From the humble slave of Allâh, to my beloved brothers and sisters, Assalaamu alaikum 

I praise Allâh for he is worthy of praise for all the bounties He has bestowed upon this sinful slave. He who has chosen me with guidance amongst the ways of the misguided, in which, I was drowning. He who bestowed upon me knowledge with His Mercy alone and not due to any of my actions and guided me to the blessed path of Jihad. So for Him, Allâh, my Rabb be all the praise. Having now being tested with what already you all are aware of, I have to say as my salaf said, from them Ibn Taimiyah (RH),

“What can my enemies do to me?
If they imprison me,
then it is my place of worship,
If they send me to another land,
It is my place to call to Allâh
If they kill me,
Then I shall be a martyr”

I add,

If they beat me,
then it is either an evaluation of status or forgiveness of sins
If they curse me,
Angels will reply as long as I am patient
If they hold me,
then I shall get the reward of a Mujâhid and a Muhâjir,
as their clutches are only what holds me from it (InshaAllâh) “

O lights in the darkness of ignorance, I am now being tested for the words I have uttered and said, thus jail is more beloved to me than to leave what I know from the knowledge, may Allâh give me patience upon the truth and firmness. And by Allâh the words of truth lay lifeless until its companion gives life to it, with his blood tears and life…

The solitude and darkness of these cells teaches many things, gives us time to think over the dark days in which I was drowned in many sins, teaches us to ponder about many things in which we were neglectful. And all these are from Allâh alone.

If you ask me about my status, then I shall say Alhamdulillah , I am in so much bounties of Allâh that, were you to become aware of it, it might raise jealousy. But from us are those who are tested more than me, thus beaten severely till they fainted, or their hairs plucked until they bled, and their heads beaten on walls. All this are done by the dogs of taghût while his scholars are giving him (taghût) full support “to fight extremism.” But as I write this, none is facing any torture and all the tortures have stopped Alhamdulillah !

Fear occurs when one thinks he might loose his beloved to him, from his freedom to his wives and kids and wealth and health and life, so the one who has already sacrificed it for His Rabb has nothing to fear, as he has nothing to loose, as he is certain that what he sacrificed for Allâh will surely be returned to him in much great quantity and a higher quality. As for his life?, to live for eternity. As for his wealth? to what which neither grieves him nor perishes, with a quality which cannot even be dreamed of… As for his wife? Then likes of husband the hûr-ul-‘ains, of their beauty one cannot match, – as for their children? Then with them forever in paradise. As for his health? then to where neither they get sick no face any pain. So in short, he does not sacrifice anything accept he is given better. But all the loss and sadness is upon the wretched who holds to what grieves him and what shall perish or grow old forgetting and leaving what is for eternity and what I described above. So if this certainty takes root in his heart, then they shall not fear and shall endure patience upon what they face.

What has the one who is certain that Allâh is with fear? For Allâh made a hot burning great fire to be something cool and harmless, He saved Yunus (AS) from the belly of a whale, He opened the sea and cut it into half and paved the way for Musa (AS). So if one is tested, he must get close to Allâh, thus when the time comes he will surely be saved.

Of the greatest examples I saw in the Qur’an, the magicians of pharaoh, Subhanallah, what faith! The biggest tyrant, the one with many lands and armies, the one with the support of the public, warning to torture them, to cut their limbs to crucify them… But what was their answer? So firm, so straight with so much certainty, so certain that this tyrant is weaker than a fly in front of Allâh, so they said “Judge, what you are to judge!” Subhanallah ! Its true meaning and its sensitivity is only truly understood when one is in the cross lines of losing his beloved ones and freedom, between bowing to a taghût… And Allâh only saves.

I have to say, dear beloved brothers and sisters, though I want to name the closest of you to my heart, I leave as to include you all, know that you are not forgotten in my prayers. I never met, yet closer to me than my kin, you are my family. Although short a time I may have spent with you, you are not forgotten and I hope Allâh will gather us in a place much better.

Though I am under trial, I am upon the beliefs which I left you, and although I am disliked by many for my harshness towards the governmental scholars or scholars of the taghût I have only increased in certainty about graveness of their mistakes. I seek Allâh’s pleasure in only what I believe, for were it for another cause, there are much easier ways. I believe what I believe based on proofs and interpretation of the salaf of those proofs. So if I am wrong I hope Allâh will forgive me. Sometime I despair and my heart gets uncomfortable due to the fewness of those who are upon what I am, and I fear I might be seized in the Day of Judgment, and then I remember the proofs and I hope to say to Allâh “O Allâh! This is why this slave of your believed what he believed” and show why I did believe (though Allâh knows everything). So yes again and again I repeat beware of the scholars of the taghût, make people aware of them, none has damaged the religion as they did. Even here all the trials and torture we face are justified by them and they (police) are made to think that they are upon a good Jihad upon which they will be rewarded; they are made to think they will enter paradise, while they are fighting against Islam! I ask you, fear Allâh! Are we to praise and respect those who the direct ones responsible for this result? They are nothing but from the army of the taghût. Lots of confusion will depart were you to judge them with your religion and were you to know “not everyone we judge upon to be kufr is necessarily a kafir in the hereafter, but rather might be excused of an excuse we are unaware of. But that does not prevent us from ruling upon him what he shows apparently, this after the necessary measures which are available in the fundamentals of takfir.

Everyone imprisoned or put to trial must understand that only what is “written” upon him will reach him. After every difficulty there is an ease. There are but few days in this world. And Allâh is with righteous, pious and patient slave. So do not despair upon the trials of the world as there is eternity to it Hope for the Mercy of Allâh while being patient and pious, Allâh will not waste the reward of those who do good.

Beloved brethren, fear Allâh and know that this religion will not rise but after sacrifices, the earth will not get better until it is given the blood of the martyrs, do not be deceived by the increase of those who run towards destruction and do not be sad due to the fewness of those upon truth, as the religion will become strange as it started, but hold fast upon the clear proofs which will testify your innocence on the Day of Judgment. I am but to you a sincere advisor.

Shed no tears for us, but strive to save the likes of us. Having read the letter of Fatima, my trials are nothing compared to her. By Allâh her letter never left my pocket since I read it except for once and her cry yet haunts me… Brothers! Run to help the likes of her! And let not the false hopes and false plans prevent you. By Allâh, we cannot be saved but after giving our blood for it.

We have read and learnt and heard a lot, and it is already late; we need action, to stand with what Allâh commands without fear or any compromise. For “were we to stand as the Sahaba did, we would indeed be victorious as they were.” The road is paved with what the body dislikes. So be firm and patient.

At the end we say “If you ask us, then we care not about the tyrants and now do we bow to them. Jail us! Chain us! Torture us and kill us! Our limbs that you cut, our bones that you crush, our flesh in which you thrusts, our blood that you shed are already given to its Creator. But you can never reach our souls InshaAllâh and how much you crush the material body and bury it, the spirit will stand high and cannot be crushed. Inshallah.

O Allâh! Pour patience upon us, keep us firm, and forgive our sins and give us victory upon the kuffar and be sufficient f or us against them with what you wish!

حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل

Wa alaykum assalaam

Any mistake in it is from me, please forgive me and correct it….
Jazakumullah khayran

Written by a mujahid brother from behind bars who wishes to remain anonymous